Two NSF Grants: CICI and CISE

October 30, 2018

The NSF has updated the CICI grant, Cybersecurity Innovation for Cyberinfrastructure.

Full Proposal Deadline: January 23, 2019

Synopsis of Program:

The objective of the Cybersecurity Innovation for Cyberinfrastructure (CICI) program is to develop, deploy and integrate security solutions that benefit the scientific community by ensuring end-to-end scientific workflow. CICI seeks three categories of projects:

Secure Scientific Cyberinfrastructure (SSC): Integrated security environment that spans the entire scientific CI ecosystem.

Research Data Protection (RDP): Ensure the provenance of research data and reduce the complexity of protecting research data sets.

Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (CCoE): Provide the NSF community with a centralized resource of expertise and leadership in trustworthy cyberinfrastructure.

CISE Community Research Infrastructure (CCRI)

Letter of Intent Due Date: January 8, 2019

Full Proposal Deadline: February 20, 2019

This research infrastructure will specifically support diverse communities of CISE researchers pursuing focused research agendas in computer and information science and engineering.

The CCRI program supports two classes of awards:

New awards support the creation of new CISE community research infrastructure with integrated tools, resources, user services, and community outreach to enable innovative CISE research opportunities to advance the frontiers of the CISE core research areas. The New award class includes Grand Ensemble (Grand), Medium Ensemble (Medium), and Planning awards.

Enhance/sustain (ENS) awards support enhancing and sustaining of an existing CISE community infrastructure to enable world-class CISE research opportunities for broad-based communities of CISE researchers that extend well beyond the awardee organization(s).