Please join us for the GPN 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting, this year conducted completely online due to the restrictions from the COVID-19 pandemic. Our focus is on expanding the use of advanced networking and high-performance computing to spur innovation and research opportunities within the member states of the Great Plains Network. A full schedule of speakers, panels, breakout sessions, lightning talks, and workshops is planned, all held online and free for anyone to participate from the convenience of your office or home.
June 2-4, 2021
Mark your calendar now so that you do not miss out on this important event. Registration is free, so please circulate this information to all your friends and colleagues. This will be a great opportunity for those who have been unable to travel or attend a GPN Annual Meeting in the past. We will publish a complete schedule soon.

Are you interested in giving a talk during a breakout session at the GPN 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting? The meeting provides an excellent opportunity for you to highlight your experiences with a particular technology or topic relevant to GPN’s research and education focused community. Breakout sessions are 45 minutes in length, and all sessions are conducted online using Zoom. If you are interested or want more information, please contact conference@greatplains.net.
GPN is offering a limited number of sponsor opportunities for the 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting. As a meeting sponsor you will have opportunities to connect with meeting attendees virtually and to showcase your company, products, and services to high-level decision makers within the GPN community. You gain visibility for your company and demonstrate support of critical, advanced networking and high-performance computing research and development. These opportunities are offered on a first-come, first-served basis until the deadline of May 1, 2021. Download the Sponsorship Package for additional information and the form for applying. If you questions, please contact conference@greatplains.net.