Great Plains Network Annual Meeting

March 12, 2020

Note:  We are cancelling the face-to-face Annual Meeting in light of the COVID-19 situation.  Stay safe, everyone!  We are considering options with the planned workshops…

WINS Call for Participation

March 3, 2020

Updated March 25, applications now due May 1, see new flyer below. Women in IT Networking at SuperComputing (WINS) is now accepting applications for SC20…

Snapshots from SC18

November 19, 2018

George Robb from Mizzou was on the SCInet team.  We had several members volunteer, including Andy Fleming from KanREN, Maria Kalyvaki of SDSU.  If you were…

GPN Annual Meeting 2019

August 30, 2018

Next year, the Great Plains Network will be from Tuesday, May 21 to noon on Thursday, May 23.  This is the week before Memorial Day….

SC17 in Denver, CO

November 27, 2017

SC17 (SuperComputing17) was in Denver, CO the week of November 13.  GPN had a booth on the exhibit show floor. It was a place to…

CADRE Conference in KC: Economics and HPC

July 10, 2017

The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City’s  (KC Fed) Center for the Advancement of Data and Research in Economics (CADRE) is soliciting presentations and participation…