Paraphrased from Henry’s email.
Wed Sep 26 2018 8:00am-5:00pm (registration and breakfast 7:30am)
FREE Reception/poster session Tue Sep 25 2018 5:30-7:00pm
FREE Supercomputing tour Tue Sep 25 2018 7:15-8:15pm
University of Oklahoma Norman campus
Contact: Henry Neeman (hneeman at ou edu)
Michael Norman, Director, San Diego Supercomputer Center
Please feel free to forward this to anyone who might be interested — undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, staff, professionals, colleagues etc. Many thanks.
Are you interested in the FREE Oklahoma Supercomputing Symposium 2018 on Wed Sep 26 on the University of Oklahoma Norman campus?
Over the past 16 Symposia, we’ve had over 4000 attendees from 122 academic institutions from 28 US states and territories, 165 private companies, 35 government agencies (federal, state, municipal, foreign) and 21 non-governmental organizations.
The 2017 Symposium had 295 attendees, from 23 academic institutions in 17 states, 22 private companies, 7 government agencies and 4 non-governmental organizations.
The 2018 Oklahoma Supercomputing Symposium will be held Wed Sep 26 all day on the University of Oklahoma Norman campus, with a reception/poster session Tuesday evening (Sep 25), 5:30-7:00pm.
We’d be delighted to have you participate. It’s a great way to learn what’s happening on the advanced computing side of your research and teaching areas.
The Symposium is FREE and comes with meals and snacks, including the FREE reception and poster session the evening of Tue Sep 25.
And, if you know of students — graduate, undergraduate, community college, career tech, high school — who are interested in these areas, this is a great opportunity to introduce them to conferences, especially because it’s FREE.
Also, if you know of colleagues and/or students who might be interested, please feel free to forward this note to them.
We’ll also have a vendor exposition, where you’ll have an opportunity to learn about existing and emerging supercomputing technologies.