GPN CyberTeam Funding PEARC20 Attendance, Apply Today

July 9, 2020

With all of the conferences that are moving online, I want to call your attention to one in particular: PEARC20.  This is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about a variety of topics for only $100, including any tutorials or workshops. Students attend for only $50, including any tutorials or workshops.

The Great Plains Network CyberTeam (NSF Grant #1925681) is offering to cover the entire cost of registration to help develop expertise around the region.  To apply please email and indicate why you would like to participate in PEARC20 and how it would benefit you.  

Practice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC) is focused on the research computing environment and many of the tutorials still reflect that: 


  • An Introduction to Advanced Features in MPI, Open OnDemand, XDMoD, and ColdFront: an HPC center management toolset


  • Empowering Research Computing at Your Campus Through the Open Science Grid.


  • Easy Deployment of Edge Services for the ScienceDMZ with SLATE


In recent years they have expanded their scope to include additional researcher engagement focus:


  • Deep Dive into Constructing Containers for Scientific Computing and Gateways


Software of interest beyond research computing: 

  • Python 201: Building Better Scientific Software in Python 
  • The Streetwise Guide to Jupyter Security

and collaboration with other communities:

  • Supporting Computational and Data-intensive Research through Research Computing and Library Collaboration 
  • The Important Role People Play in Advancing the Use of Cloud Cyberinfrastructure in Research

See the PEARC20 website for more tutorials and the five day conference schedule!