2018 GPN Annual Meeting Schedule

May 14, 2018


This year, we have have three tracks on Thursday afternoon:  one for system administrators, one for networking engineers, and the main track.


10:00-3:00: Jetstream Workshop 

3:30-5:30: iRODS Workshop 


8:30-9:45:  Welcome and Keynote by Dr. Larry Smarr:  Pacific Research Platform

9:45-10:30:  State Network Techs: State of the State Networks Panel

10:30-10:50: Break

10:50-11:20:  Rob  Vietzke, I2:  Planning an Advanced Network in the Age of Cloud-Scale Datacenters, Open Systems, Software-Driven Everything and Big Science Collaboration

11:20-11:40:  Christian Barnes – Director, Systems Engineering at Fortinet: Fortinet Security Fabric

11:40-1:10: Lunch.  

11:40-1:10: System Administrator BoF and Lunch in their own room

1:10-1:30:  Don Schulte, Amazon Web Services: Research & Technical Computing at AWS

This is where the tracks start. Tracks in parentheses.

1:30-2:00: Rob Gardner: SLATE presentation (Main)

1:30-2:00: David Merrifield and Bobby Clark: Topics in Networking (Networking)

2:00-3:30:  Networking BoF (Networking)

2:00-2:45: HPC Directors/CIP BoF

2:00-2:40: Bryan Kinnan + others panel, UNL: ITAR in the Cloud, It Can be Done (System Administration)

2:40-3:00:  Derek Weitzel, UNL: StashCache – Data Caching on the Open Science Grid (System Administration)

3:00-3:20:  Kyle Hutson, KSU: Using Ceph for cost-effective performant HPC primary filesystems (System Administration)

2:45-3:30:  HPC State of the States (Main)

3:30-4:00: Break for everyone

4:00-5:30:  GPN Research Platform BoF



8:30-9:00:  Henry Neeman, OU: A Grant Proposal Writing Apprenticeship for Research Computing Professionals

9:00-9:30:   Brian Moore, SDSU: HPC themed REU at South Dakota State University

9:30-10:15:  Jim Ferguson, OU: An Overview of the Carpentries Program


8:30-4:30: FIONA workshop