2018 CADRE Conference
(Coalition for Advancing Digital Research and Education)
Wed April 18, 2018 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Poster session and reception Tue April 17, 5:30 pm-7:30 pm
Oklahoma State University Stillwater campus
The CADRE conference brings together regional research computing professionals, librarians, researchers, educators, and students interested in advancing digital research and education across all disciplines.
The CADRE conference is jointly hosted by the OSU High Performance Computing Center and the OSU Library.
To learn about our inaugural conference last year see: https://hpcc.okstate.edu/osu-hosts-2017-cadre-conference
Free registration and the call for breakout session and poster submissions are available at the conference website: https://hpcc.okstate.edu/cadre-conference
The keynote speaker will be Amy Friedlander, Deputy Director of the NSF Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure
Plus, breakout sessions, vendor expo, and networking opportunities!
Meals and refreshments will be provided.