The 12th Central Area Networking and Security Workshop (CANSec) will be held at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas on October 27th and 28th, 2018. The workshop portion will be on Saturday(the 27th) with the cyber defense competition on Sunday (the 28th). You’re welcome to attend either or both days, of course. The workshop website, with registration forms, deadlines, and abstract submissions, is at http://www.cansecworkshop.
The CANSec workshop brings together researchers and practitioners in security and networking related fields in the central area of the US. The goal of the CANSec workshop is to provide a regular forum for presenting research and education activities in all areas related to computer and communication security, as well as promoting interactions and collaborations among scholars and students and between academia and industry.
They are seeking submissions for presentations on research and education activities relating to all practical and theoretical aspects of networking and security. As with past workshops, these will consist of oral and/or poster presentations. Students are strongly encouraged to give these talks. They also invite faculty, especially first-time attendees, to introduce your group and your research briefly (about 10 minutes). If you are interested in giving this presentation, please email
The deadlines for registration for the workshop and competition, as well as one-page abstract submission, are October 14th. There are student travel grants available, and the deadline to apply for those is October 15th. They expect to have decisions returned a week after the deadline.
They welcome any and all interested participants. Please distribute this email and attached flyer to any schools or individuals who might be interested, including graduate and undergraduate students. If your school has a cyber defense club, please let them know about the competition. We look forward to seeing you in Manhattan, KS in October!