Please join us for the GPN 2022 Annual Meeting held June 1-3, 2022, in Kansas City. We are excited to resume meeting in-person again and look forward to seeing you. Our focus is on expanding the use of advanced networking and high-performance computing to spur innovation and research opportunities within the member states of the Great Plains Network. A full schedule of speakers, panels, breakout sessions, lightning talks, and workshops is planned. And, you won’t want to miss the Gala Reception planned for the first evening of the meeting at the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art. Mark your calendar and make plans to attend this year’s meeting in an all-new venue, the Fontaine Hotel in Kansas City.

We begin the GPN 2022 Annual meeting on Wednesday, June 1st, with face-to-face meetings of the GPN Executive Council, the Network Technical Advisory Committee, and the Cyberinfrastructure Program Committee, plus two excellent workshops. Thursday and Friday, June 2nd and 3rd, are the main conference days during which you will find a full schedule of speakers, panels, breakout sessions, Birds of a Feather sessions, additional workshops, and socializing opportunities. Also planned is one of our favorite activities, the Lightning Talks Session, during which you can volunteer to give a brief 5-minute talk on any topic you feel would be of interest to our attendees. Read more…
Registration for the GPN 2022 Annual Meeting is now closed.
Registration is now open for the GPN 2022 Annual Meeting. Click on the button below to register for the conference and for one or more of the great workshops planned. The registration deadline is Friday, May 27, 2022, 5:00 PM Central. Read more…
The Fontaine Hotel’s special block rate has expired. The Fontaine may still have rooms available at their regular rate.
All meetings during the GPN 2022 Annual Meeting will be at The Fontaine, a luxury hotel located in the heart of Kansas City. A special conference rate of $151 per night is available to attendees. We recommend making your reservation early to avoid missing out on staying at this very nice hotel. The conference rate is available until Friday, May 13, 2022, 5:00 PM Central. Read more…
As a special treat, a Gala Reception is planned for the evening of Wednesday, June 1st, at the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art, hosted by our Premium Sponsor, PIER Group. Registered attendees are invited to relax and reconnect with others whom you may not have seen for quite some time, to enjoy a light snack and drinks, and to tour portions of the museum. The museum’s Permanent Collection includes exemplary works by hundreds of modern and contemporary artists from a global perspective. Read more…
General Sessions & Breakouts
This is a general Call for Presentations to anyone interested in speaking at the conference. All presentations are on June 2nd or 3rd and are 45-60 minutes in length. All proposals are reviewed by the program committee prior to acceptance. Click on the button below if you are interested or need additional information.
Lightning Talks
A lightning talk is a brief presentation by a volunteer on a topic of his or her choice. Each talk is limited to five minutes. The Attendee Lightning Talks take place in the last full session on Friday, June 3rd at 11:15 AM. Click on the button below if you are interested or need additional information.
Our conference sponsors and exhibitors are a huge part of the GPN 2022 Annual Meeting. Besides providing the financial support that makes the conference possible, they may be the key to providing technology that you need for your most challenging research or IT projects. Visit their booths in the Artists Foyer where you can meet with them and learn more about their great products and services. Read more…
Interested in becoming a sponsor of the GPN 2022 Annual Meeting? Additional opportunities are still available! Please contact us at conference@greatplains.net for additional information.